www.ofertapune.net Specific Procurement Notice - Recruitment for a Design and Implementation Consultant for Advancing the Participation of Women Entrepreneurs in Kosovo’s Clean Energy Transition | PunaIme

Specific Procurement Notice – Recruitment for a Design and Implementation Consultant for Advancing the Participation of Women Entrepreneurs in Kosovo’s Clean Energy Transition


MCA Kosovo



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The Millennium Challenge Account – Republic of Kosovo has received financing from the
Millennium Challenge Corporation toward the cost of the grant aimed at poverty reduction through
economic growth in Kosovo on July 15, 2022, in the amount of US $202,000,000 (the “Compact”)
and a corresponding contribution from the Government of approximately US $34,670,600, and
intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments under the contract for “Recruitment for a
Design and Implementation Consultant for Advancing the Participation of Women Entrepreneurs
in Kosovo’s Clean Energy Transition”
MCC’s funding is appropriated by the U.S. Congress and obligated to the compact up-front, with no
incremental or partial funding. So, when a contract is signed with an Accountable Entity, money is
already available to the Accountable Entity and, for most contracts, invoices are paid directly to
Offerors by the US Treasury. MCA-Kosovo now invites Offers from eligible offerors for the
Recruitment for a Design and Implementation Consultant for Advancing the Participation of
Women Entrepreneurs in Kosovo’s Clean Energy Transition.
Docusign Envelope ID: 1B35559D-46FE-4A6B-B76C-20289AA285C0
Bidding will be conducted through the Quality and Cost-Based Selection (“QCBS”) procedures as
specified in the MCC Accountable Entity Procurement Policy & Guidelines (AE PPG or PPG) and
is open to all eligible offerors as defined in the PPG.
A complete set of bidding documents may be obtained by interested eligible offerors upon registering
in the following link: https://forms.office.com/r/pFEUh2XZTX
A Pre-Offer Conference will be held via Webinar on December 02, 2024, at 14:00 hrs. (Kosovo
local time). Attendance is strongly advised for all prospective Offerors or their representatives but is
not mandatory. The Webinar can be accessed via the following link: Join the meeting now.
Offers must be delivered Electronically via the pCloud link as stipulated on the RFO on or before
January 08, 2025, 15:00 hrs. Kosovo local time. Late offers will be rejected. Offers will be publicly
opened virtually in the presence of the offerors’ designated representatives and anyone who chooses
to attend on January 08, 2025, 15:30 hrs. Kosovo local time, via link: Join the meeting now
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