www.ofertapune.net Spatial/Urban Planning Consultant IECHH | PunaIme

Spatial/Urban Planning Consultant IECHH


UN Habitat


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Functional title: Spatial/Urban Planning Consultant with focus in public/social infrastructure, economy, cultural heritage and housing
Duty station of assignment: Home-based work and Vushtrri (or Prishtina) office (depending on the pandemic situation)
Contract type: Consultancy Assignment (IC)
Duration of assignment: Up to maximum 50 working days within the period from 18 September 2020 to 11 December 2020
Closing date for applications: 2 September 2020.

Purpose of the assignment

The general purpose of the assignment is to support: drafting of the rationale for defining of zones; drafting of the general development conditions; drafting of the narrative part (definition, usage, development conditions, construction conditions, protective measures and action plan) for each of the following zones: housing zones, mixed use zones, public services (public/social infrastructure) economic (industrial and commercial) zones, cultural heritage protected zones, interest and state protected zones, zones of detailed regulatory plans, as part of the overall drafting process of the Municipal Zoning Map (MZM) of Vushtrri, by coordinating closely together with the assigned spatial/urban planning advisor and planners (including GIS Consultant) in Vushtrri, as well as the respective municipal planning officers of the Municipality. The incumbent should also liaise with central level institutions in matters related to technical infrastructure as required.

Skill Sets Required

A range of skills will be required: spatial and urban planning; transport; environmental planning; agriculture; forestry; natural/social sciences; ability to collect, record and interpret data and maps; ability to interpret legislative framework relating to planning and a good working knowledge of the Law on Spatial Planning, Spatial Planning Technical Norms, and other laws/bylaws related to the drafting of MZM, respectively different thematic fields (housing, mixed use, economic (industrial and commercial), cultural heritage protected zones, natural zones with protected nature values, interest and state protected zones, informal settlements, building without permit, zones of detailed regulatory plans) addressed within MZM.

Main tasks

Under the overall guidance and the direct supervision of the appointed UN-Habitat’s spatial planning advisor, the Spatial/Urban Planning Consultant will be responsible for performing the following main tasks:

  1. Analyse existing planning documents at municipal level (Municipal Development Plan, sectoral plans etc), relevant strategies, reports, respective collected data and newly developed maps related to the drafting of MZM, respectively the following zones: housing zones, mixed use zones, public services (public/social infrastructure) economic (industrial and commercial) zones, cultural heritage protected zones, interest and state protected zones, and zones of detailed regulatory plans.
  2. Analyse the respective legal framework (including spatial planning technical norms) related to the drafting of MZM, respectively the following zones: housing zones, mixed use zones, public services (public/social infrastructure) economic (industrial and commercial) zones, cultural heritage protected zones, interest and state protected zones, and zones of detailed regulatory plans; contribute substantively during the zoning process (defining of zones);
  3. Analyse the action plan (related to above mentioned zones) of the Municipal Development Plan, and draft the new action plan (using the template developed by team of planners in Vushtrri), based on the recent developments in Vushtrri (ongoing projects, planned projects/actions, measures) and in close consultation with planners and municipal staff responsible for MZM;
  4. Organize consultative meetings with spatial planners (responsible for Vushtrri), respective municipal staff responsible for all zones (all relevant municipal departments such as: urbanism, culture, geodesy and cadastre, agriculture and economic development; public regional companies, relevant institutions/ministries and other related stakeholders (if needed) during the drafting process;
  5. Draft the rationale for defining zones, general development conditions and narrative part (definition, usage, development and construction conditions, measures etc) for the following zones: housing zones, mixed use zones, public services (public/social infrastructure) economic (industrial and commercial) zones, cultural heritage protected zones, interest and state protected zones, and zones of detailed regulatory plans; contribute substantively during the zoning process (defining of zones);
  6. Identify jointly with planners and municipal staff the actual and future investments (name of the project, location, budget, etc.), that will be included within the action plan for respective zones.
  7. Support with information (if needed) the GIS Consultant when finalizing the technical infrastructure maps (planning part);
  8. Participate regularly in online (zoom, Skype etc) or direct consultative meeting with respective planners and municipal staff;
  9. Provide logistical and administrative support and perform any other tasks which may be required by the nature of the activities.


Interested candidates must submit an email quoting the post title and the duty station to the email address: [email protected]

with the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications:

  1. Cover letter explaining why they are the most suitable for the work.
  2. Completion of a CV in P11 Form which can be downloaded athttp://unhabitat-kosovo.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/p11_form.doc The CV shall include information on the past experience in similar projects and at least 3 references.
  3. Financial Proposal. The offeror’s letter including form for the financial proposal can be downloaded at: http://unhabitat-kosovo.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Financial_proposal_IC.docx 

Deadline for applications: 2 September 2020 UN-Habitat does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process. If you have any questions concerning persons or  companies claiming to be recruiting on behalf of these offices and requesting the payment of a fee, please contact: [email protected]

⇒ Job Description.