www.ofertapune.net Request for Offers - Designing of visibility materials | PunaIme

Request for Offers – Designing of visibility materials


Caritas of Switzerland in Kosovo - ALB



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REQUEST FOR OFFERS FOR “Designing of visibility materials” 

Date of invitation: 03.05.2024
RfO No.: 01-2024

We kindly ask you to submit your offer for the Designing of visibility materials, following the details in this  document. Completed offers may be submitted on or before 30 May 2024

Late offers will not be accepted and will not be considered for evaluation. 

1) Method of submission: 

2) General conditions:  

  • The financial offer must be in EURO, whilst the price must be exempt from VAT.
  • The offer shall remain valid for 30 days from the deadline for the Submission of Offer.
  • The deadline for the Submission of Offer is by 30 May 2024, COB 
  • Documents may be submitted in English, Serbian or Albanian. 
  • Expected date for contract award: 15 June 2024. 
  • CACH will sign a framework agreement with the Service Provider for the period of June 2024 – December 2025, while will order the designing of materials according to the dynamics of the  development of activities based on the respective positions stipulated in the contract. 
  • The design company must be in continuously contact with the CACH representative respective to the  project needs.  
  • The bidder must appoint a focal point/person that will be a first contact relating provision of services  for CACH. 
  • Payment will be made through the bank account after every provided service. 
  • Invoices should be provided with VAT excluded.  

3) Documents to be submitted (for companies):  

  1. Filled-in Form as provided in Annex 1 
  2. Filled-in Form as provided in Annex 2 
  3. Latest Business Registration Certificate 
  4. VAT registration certificate 
  5. At least three (3) references for similar services, from clients over the last three years, including  contact information of these clients. 
  6. Evidence of previous work (portfolio) 

5) Evaluation Criteria:  

The best-completed offer, with the most affordable price. 

1. Technical requirements 20%
2. Availability of designing materials 25%
3. Portfolio, references, experience 35%
4. Price offered for provision of services 20%

The offer that complies with all the specifications, requirements and offers the lowest price, as well as all other  evaluation criteria indicated, shall be selected. Any offer that does not meet the requirements shall be rejected.

CaCH is not bound to accept any offer, award a contract/Purchase Order, nor be responsible for any costs  associated with a Supplier’s/Service Provider’s preparation and submission of an offer, regardless of the  selection outcome. 

CaCH encourages every prospective Supplier/Service Provider to avoid and prevent conflicts of interest, by  disclosing to CaCH if you, or any of your affiliates or personnel, were involved in the preparation of the  requirements, design, specifications, cost estimates, and other information used in this request for offers. 

CaCH implements a zero tolerance on fraud and other proscribed practices and is committed to identifying and  addressing all such acts and practices against CaCH, as well as third parties involved in CaCH activities. CaCH  expects its suppliers to adhere to the Code of Conduct. 

Thank you and we look forward to receiving your Offer! 


Caritas Switzerland in Kosovo

Annex 1:  


Caritas Switzerland in Kosovo is a non-governmental organization dedicated in implementing projects in early  childhood education, diaspora and repatriated people, agriculture, and environmental issues, aiming in improving  lives of all communities in Kosovo. With a focus on promoting community empowerment, equality, and  sustainable development, Caritas Switzerland works tirelessly to address the diverse needs of communities in  the field of education, environment, and agriculture. With a commitment to solidarity and compassion, Caritas  Switzerland plays a vital role in fostering positive change and promoting the well-being of the people of Kosovo. 

In order to fulfill the reorganizational (all projects) needs, caritas Switzerland in seeking a individual/company  for designing the visibility materials.  

List of projects:  

TAKE – Together Advancing Kosovo’s Training and Employment within the Education Sector MARDI – Municipal Action for Reintegration and Diaspora 

YENI – Youth Environmental Impact 

EREA – Empowering Rural Economies in Agriculture 


Annex 2:  

Use the following form to submit your Financial Offer:

*Note: The prices should be given per unit, while the order of designing the materials will be done according to the  dynamics of the development of activities based on the respective positions stipulated above. The need for additional  designing requests, not mentioned in above table, might occur, however they can be separately calculated.  CaCH will sign a 1.5-year framework agreement (with a 3 months’ probation period) with the Service Provider (with  the possibility of extension for 2 years).

Caritas Switzerland in Kosovo  

Address: 59, Fazli Balaj Street, Kalabria, 10000 Prishtina, Kosovo | Web: www.caritas.ch | FB: https://www.facebook.com/CaritasSwitzerlandinKosovo/ 

6) Responsibilities of the Service Provider:  

  • The Service Provider shall come to the office of Caritas Switzerland to consult with the project team  before designing the items. 
  • Present draft versions for designing of visibility materials for comments and review before finalization. The Service Provider shall deliver the services within 7 days week after Contract signature/Order, while the CaCH shall check/review the materials in the following 2 days.  
  • The Service Provider is obliged to be in constant contact with designated persons from the CACH,  respectively from the Projects for any required assistance/change regarding the materials until  finalized. 
  • CaCH reserves the rights on all information/documents pertaining to this project, which the Service  Provider may come into contact within the performance of his/her, duties under this service. It shall  strictly remain the property of the CaCH who shall have exclusive rights over its use. Except for  purposes of this assignment, the information shall not be disclosed to the public nor used in any other  form, without written consent of the CaCH. 
  • Upon signing the contract, in case of unsatisfactory performance, CaCH will negotiate with the selected  company so that the work/materials can be changed. If the work done fails to meet expectations, the  contract will be terminated by seven (7) days prior written notice. In the meantime, CaCH will begin a  new selection process. 
  • The selected Service Provider must strictly adhere to the instructions according to the CaCH Corporate  Design Manual, which will be given after signing the contract. 

7) Service Provider’s identification: