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Project Officer


EU Office in Kosovo


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The European Union Office in Kosovo has the following vacancy for Local Agent position:

  • Post: Project Officer
  • Section: Cooperation
  • Reference: EUOK 01-20 COOP
  • Status: Local Agent
  • Duration: Limited (5 years with possibility of renewal) 

We are

The European Union (EU) is an economic and political partnership between 27 European countries. It plays an important role in international affairs through diplomacy, trade, development aid and working with global organisations. Abroad, the EU is represented through more than 140 diplomatic representations, known also as EU Delegations, which have a similar function to those of an embassy.

The EU Office in Kosovo plays a pivotal role in realising the European agenda in Kosovo with the aim to promote Kosovo’s approximation to the European Union.

We offer a post of Project Officer. Under this post, the recruited person will be attributed functions depending on the needs of the EU Office in Kosovo. Upon recruitment, the successful candidate  will  occupy  a  specific  job  function as Project Officer – this job function may be changed in accordance with the needs of the EU Office in Kosovo. Under the supervision of the Head of Cooperation Section, the agent will ensure effective and efficient programming and implementation of financial assistance with a primary focus on the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA) programming, monitoring and evaluation, and strategic  communication  of  EU assistance  in  line with the regulations, Commission procedures and prevailing  instructions  ensuring  maximum  impact  to  support  the EU membership preparation of the beneficiary countries.

Main tasks

+ (BUSINESS) MANAGEMENT and PLANNING – Operations section management

  • Contribute to the development of IPA programming in general.
  • Give policy guidance to relevant stakeholders in the area of the IPA programming, evaluation and strategic communication related to IPA assistance.

+ POLICY ANALYSIS – Sector analysis, strategy formulation and programming

  • Support policy dialogue with all relevant ministries, agencies,  donors  and  other  relevant stakeholders in all areas of cooperation.
  • Contribute to sector analysis and to the programming of activities under IPA.

+ PROGRAM / PROCESS / PROJECT MANAGEMENT – Project cycle management

  • Contribute to the programming, identification and appraisal in close cooperation with the beneficiary institutions in the country, if and when such programmes are  decided  in  the programming process.
  • Initiate and process all aspects of the procurement process, drafting terms of reference, launching tenders, evaluating the bids, preparing the contracting file.
  • Monitor ongoing projects, attend management and monitoring meetings, elaborate  progress  report  on projects and propose action if and when needed; evaluate  projects  and  formulate  lessons learned.
  • Maintain contacts with other donors active in the country.
  • Consider gender implications in programming and project preparation.

+ REPRESENTATION, NEGOTIATION and PARTICIPATION – Representation, participation and negotiation

  • Maintain good and effective contacts with the relevant national authorities, private sector representatives, professional organisations and civil organisations.
  • Assist in ensuring effective coordination with the Member States and key donors.
  • Participate as appropriate in donors’ meetings.
  • Prepare and assist in missions from Headquarters.

+ INTERNAL COMMUNICATION (general) – Communication with internal stakeholders

  • Monitor and report on sectoral issues to Head of Section (including Early Warning on potential disputes).
  • Contribute regularly and timely to the Office’s  reporting  to  HQ  on  sectoral issues, as well as to any specific requests.
  • Provide back-up support to colleagues as required.

+ EXTERNAL COMMUNICATION (general) – Communication related to programme & projects

  • Extract and disseminate best practice and facilitate exchange of experiences.
  • Writing of briefings and speeches.

The specific post and related duties of the employee shall be decided and may  be  adapted  by  the  employer according to the needs of the European Union.

The place of employment is the EU Office in Pristina. The contract (“local agent” type contract – Group I) will be concluded as a fixed term contract for a period of 5 years with a possibility of renewal.

We offer a competitive position in an international environment. Benefits, such as medical insurance, are offered to employees and their families under certain conditions.

Selection Criteria

Minimum Requirements:

  1. Medically fit to perform the required duties;
  2. Enjoys civil rights and permits for employment under local law;
  3. A University degree with five years of relevant working experience;
  4. Excellent command of spoken and written English;
  5. Fluency in Albanian and/or Serbian;
  6. Fully computer literate;
  7. Ability to conceptualize problems, identify and implement solutions;
  8. Capacity to analyse and structure information;
  9. Inquiring mind;
  10. Ability to communicate in meetings;
  11. Ability to understand and be understood;
  12. Capacity to communicate technical or specialised information;
  13. Drafting skills;
  14. Ability to work in a proactive and autonomous way;
  15. Capacity to act upon problems;
  16. Quality & process management abilities;
  17. Capacity to deliver in a structured way;
  18. Planning capacity;
  19. Stress resistance;
  20. Ability to work in a team;
  21. Knowledge sharing.



    • Rules and procedures concerning calls for proposals, calls for tenders, contracts, task letters 
    • Financial regulation and procedures 
    • Project monitoring methods and techniques 


    • Registration of mail and documents


  • Financial, budgetary and contractual tools


  • External relations 


  • Cooperation and development aid

The following will be considered an asset:

  1. Master degree in any of the relevant fields [Economics, Law, Politics (general), Communication/Journalism and EU and Politics (general)] would be considered an asset.
  2. Experience in working with international organisations in Kosovo in similar fields.
  3. Knowledge of any other EU language.

How to apply

Please send your application and supporting documents, using the following subject line: “EUOK 01-20 COOP_Project Officer _(applicant’s last name )” to: [email protected]. The package should include a Cover Letter and a detailed the European Curriculum Vitae Format, in English, which can be found at  the website  of the European Union Office in Kosovo http://eeas.europa.eu/delegations/kosovo

The EU Office in Kosovo will not supply additional information or  discuss  the  selection procedure  by telephone; please address any queries concerning this procedure to [email protected]

The procedure

After the deadline for applications, the applications will be reviewed by a Selection Committee set up for this purpose. The Selection Committee will prepare a short-list  of  candidates  who  are  considered  to  be  the  most suitable for the post on the basis of  a  preliminary assessment of  the  information provided in  their  application letter  and the supporting documents. The short-listed candidates will be  invited  to  an  assessment  phase  which  may include an interview if necessary – during this phase, the Selection Committee will assess the suitability of  the candidates for the post.

The candidates who have not been short-listed will not be contacted individually; however, the EU  Office  will announce the completion of the recruitment procedure on its website (http://eeas.europa.eu/delegations/kosovo)

The deadline for applications is 17/09/2020.

⇒ External Link.