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Project Assistant/Interpreter


EU Office in Kosovo


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Nr. MI-123-U-IPA-2020-128 dated 28 September 2020
Italian Ministry of Interior- Criminal Police Central Directorate (CPCD)
Offers the vacancy as



In the framework of the significant activity to support the Western Balkan Countries, the Italian Ministry of Interior – Public Security Department – Criminal Police Central Directorate, in cooperation with GIZ (DE), signed a contract for the implementation of the Project IPA 2019 “Countering Serious Crime in the Western Balkans – Cris Nr.2020/414-806” to support Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia to strengthen the cooperation between the EU Member States and Agencies on the one side, and Ministries of Justice, Ministries of Interior, Public Prosecution Offices, National Police Services, Border Police and other relevant law enforcement authorities of the Beneficiaries on the other side, in order to create a safe environment in the entire Region and, therefore, also in the EU.

The three specific objectives of the Action are:

  1. To strengthen the operational capabilities of Western Balkan law enforcement and security authorities to fight serious and organised crime and terrorism;
  2. To strengthen the capability of Western Balkan law enforcement and security authorities to effectively participate in and contribute to EU and intra-regional cooperation structures and mechanisms and;
  3. To strengthen the capabilities of Western Balkan law enforcement and security authorities to exchange information.

DURATION OF THE PROJECT: July 1st, 2020 – June 30th, 2023

DURATION OF THE CONTRACT: November 1st 2020 – June 30th, 2021 (possibly renewable twice until June 30th, 2023)

PLACE OF EMPLOYMENT: Pristina (Kosovo)



  • Supports the Project Team in the execution of responsibilities and tasks;
  • Assists the Resident Expert in the beneficiary country, who will be his/her direct supervisor in setting project’s goals and objectives and its implementation, including setting-up appointments, taking notes, drafting reports and presentation materials;
  • Provides the necessary support and consultancy about the local juridical system concerning the activities of the Project;
  • Provides language and administrative support to his/her supervisor and the Project Team in general;
  • Ensures legal advice and overall support to the Resident Experts, the Short-term Experts, the Component Leaders or their deputies and other foreign specialists, for the organization of workshops, working group meetings, trainings, seminars and other initiatives of the Project (or related to it) in the beneficiary countries;
  • Drafts papers and documents on the legal system effective in the country, useful for the international experts involved in the activities;
  • Drafts correspondence and maintains filing systems, sets up and maintains the component archive, including a database on all relevant stakeholders, also according to the directives of the line managers;
  • Provides satisfactory translation of documents, regulations, training materials, briefing materials and other written materials from English to Albanian and vice versa;
  • Provides interpretation at meetings, workshops, seminars, conferences from English to Albanian and vice versa;
  • Takes responsibility of the project office’s organization, establishing and maintaining appropriate archives and source records to ensure adequate documentation of the project;
  • Assists in arranging contacts, meetings, logistical and administrative support (e.g. travel/accommodation arrangement, drafting related administrative documentation);
  • Provides support in communicating with the Kosovar counterparts and national/international stakeholders;
  • Represents the Project in the respective beneficiary country, if specifically authorized by the line managers in the event of a temporary absence of the Resident Expert;
  • Performs any other related activities, which may emerge during the course of time and/or as required by the line managers.


In order to participate in the selection procedure, on the date of signing the electronic application, all candidates must have the following eligibility requirements:

  • no criminal convictions and no measures concerning the application of preventive measures, civil decisions and administrative measures registered in the criminal record or for any crime which determines the inability to contract with the Public Administration;
  • not subjected to criminal proceedings;
  • have the requirement of independence and no condition of incompatibility or conflict of interest (financial, business, work or other relations) with the Italian Ministry of Interior.

The selected Project Assistant has to be permanently resident in the country, legally and physically.


  • Language skills: professional fluency or native in both Albanian and English;
  • University degree either in law, political science, or any other equivalent administrative and/or legal subject;
  • A minimum of four years of relevant experience in the domain (i.e. working in similar positions in European and regional or international organisations/agencies/projects);
  • At least 2 proven experiences of interpreting at both informal and formal meetings, workshops, seminars, conferences or similar activities;
  • At least 2 proven experiences of translating documents timely and accurately, from Albanian to English and vice versa.


The following skills will be verified during the interview:

  • Excellent oral and written communication skills in Albanian and English, also with regards to technical terminology;
  • Flexibility and maturity of judgement;
  • Ability to work under direction and also to use own initiative;
  • Ability to communicate effectively at a number of different levels and methods;
  • Ability to work under pressure and to respect deadlines;
  • Strong administrative, organizational and planning skills;
  • Solid experience from similar international projects in a multicultural environment;
  • Ability to manage public communication;
  • Experience in information technology – extensive knowledge and practical experience of operating with the most common office automation software (i.e. Microsoft Office suite), including word processing, e-mail, spreadsheets and presentations;
  • Ability to understand and respect all confidential classifications of any government or trade documents, statements or other information he/she may be given during the exercise of his/her duties;
  • Knowledge of the legislation of the country where the duty is carried out;
  • Knowledge of EU policies and institutions;
  • Knowledge of EU Agencies and International law enforcement related Organizations;
  • A fair knowledge of the Italian language is considered as an additional asset;
  • A fair knowledge of the Serbian language is considered as an additional asset;
  • Knowledge of the rule of law and security terminology in both Albanian and English languages.


A duly selection board will carry out the selection of candidates. The board will have an odd number of members, at least three, with all the technical and administrative capacities necessary to give an informed opinion on the selection.

The selection board determines candidates’ suitability for the position by assessing their skills, experience and qualifications against the established job profile and makes an initial selection from the applications received.

The selection board will invite six candidates, shortlisted on the basis of the documents submited and the required entry qualification score. All candidates having a score equal to the 6th highest scoring candidate will be included to the list of invited candidates.

On a maximum score of 100 points, the maximum score of 55 points will be determined by education and professional experiences (Required Entry Qualifications) as per table, while the maximum score of 45 points will be determined by the interview.

The board will proceed with the evaluation of the applications through the following phases:


  1. Evaluation of the Application in order to verify the existence of the eligibility requirements. If the abovementioned requirements are not met, the candidate will be excluded;
  2. Evaluation of the CV: the candidate can score a maximum of 55 points; if the candidate does not have the minimum requirements, he/she will be excluded from the evaluation process;
  3. Interview and evaluation of Letter of Motivation: it provides for the assignment of a maximum score of 45 points aimed at verifying the possession of the required specialist skills and the motivation of the candidate.

At the end of Phase a) and b) six candidates will be included in a shortlist, and will be admitted to the interview (Phase c). The individual interviews will take place either in presence or via digital platforms for videoconferencing.

The candidate who will obtain the highest score will be selected, and the assignment will be formalized by the contract signature. The selected candidate will be invited to produce the self-certified documentation in order to certify the possession of the Required Entry Qualifications.

This body reserves the right to confer the assignment even in the presence of only one suitable application, as well as not to proceed at all with the conferral in case no application is deemed convenient or suitable.

All applications that do not meet the above-mentioned criteria, that are incomplete or sent after the deadline, will not be taken into account. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted by e-mail.

In case the Project Assistant has to be replaced, a new recruitment procedure will not be launched. The shortlist, resulting from this recruitment procedure, will be used to award the assignment to the next successful candidate in line.



The remuneration, equal to the gross amount of € 1,800.00 per month, any other expenditure included, was defined basing on the characteristics of the professional role, the complexity of the activity requested, the specific responsibilities for carrying out the tasks, as well as the working hours required. The provider should have a fiscal registration number (i.e. MB, PIB) and will be responsible of the payment of all taxes, and all insurances policies in relation with his activity. It will be his/her sole responsibility to comply with all legal requirements for service contract as well as to cover all related taxes, insurances and charges.

During the probation period (3 months) the gross remuneration will be of € 1.800 (one thousand and eight hundred), any other expenditure included.



Interested candidates are invited to submit their electronic application in English language consisting of a letter of motivation, a copy of a valid identity document, duly signed authorization on the use of personal data (art. 6 GDPR) and a Curriculum Vitae in English using ONLY the ‘European Curriculum Vitae Format’ and references ONLY to [email protected] (e-mail).

Applications received after the deadline or by means or content other than those above indicated, will not be taken into consideration and excluded.

The board will only take into account the experiences and the skills immediately evident from the CV and the Letter of Motivation; experiences, qualifications and /or skills not clearly assessable by such documentation will not be considered. The Administration reserves the right to request clarifications and / or integrations.

In the CV and Letter of Motivation, all experiences must be detailed with dates of start and end of the activity/job (dd/mm/yy).

During the selection procedure, the board reserves the right to evaluate analytically and/or to request the original certification of qualifications and experiences or to request clarifications or explanations in case of experiences not clearly identifiable.

All qualifications, experiences and skills required in order to be assessed must be possessed when submitting the application for participation.

Subject of the replying application e-mail: REF: MI-123-U-IPA-2020-128 – Job Application – Project Assistant – KOSOVO

Deadline for the application: 11.10.2020, 24:00 p.m.

Short-listed candidates will be invited via email for an interview and the designated applicant will be admitted to a 3-months probationary period.

The selected candidate will have to provide his/her work performance exclusively to the Project, being clear that any other employment relationship will have to be suspended for the entire duration of the contract.


  1. The participants are informed that, pursuant to article 13 of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 relating to the protection of individuals, the processing of personal data from they provided for participation in the selection or in any case acquired for this purpose by the Administration is aimed solely at carrying out the selection, which falls within the institutional purposes of the Administration, and will take place, by the staff in charge, and members of the Commission, at the Administration as well as any other subjects (recipients) whose communication of the data is necessary to allow correct execution of the selection of candidates, such as, for example, suppliers of services.
  2. The data processed can be classified in the “identification”, and “common” type e may contain some data defined “particular” in reference to art. 9 of the GDPR that the candidate has possibly included in the CV. Your data will be processed in compliance whit the principles of lawfulness, purpose limitation and data minimization, pursuant to art. 5 of the GDPR, the retention of the data will not exceed the period of the selection procedure and will be processed respecting the times required by law. Personal data may be processed in a manner mainly IT and telematic. The legal basis for data processing is contractual, functional to participation in the selection. Each treatment takes place in compliance with the methods referred to in articles 6, 32 of the GDPR e by adopting the appropriate technical and organizational measures envisaged.
  3. The Data processing is realized at the Direzione Centrale della Polizia Criminale, Via Torre di Mezzavia 9 – 00173 Rome (RM). Pursuant to articles 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 of the GDPR, the participant has the right to obtain from the owner, where applicable, the cancellation, the limitation, updating, rectification, portability, opposition to data processing. The interested parties, if the conditions are met, also have the right to propose a complaint to the supervisory authority according to the procedures foreseen.


This vacancy is published for 14 (fourteen) consecutive days on the websites of EUD https://eeas.europa.eu/delegation/kosovo_en , Italian Embassy in beneficiary counter https://ambpristina.esteri.it  https://ambasciata_pristina.it , and for one day on the national newspapers.


The Office responsible for the Procedure is the Coordination Presidium email: [email protected] .

Applicants are forbid to make direct or indirect contact with the members of the selection board. All enquiries or requests for information related to the selection should be addressed to the email above-mentioned.

 More information.