www.ofertapune.net Local Forest Policy Specialist | PunaIme

Local Forest Policy Specialist




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Issued on: AUGUST 12, 2020
Deadline for Application: September 04, 2020

  • JOB TITLE: Local Forest Policy Specialist
  • DUTY STATION: Pristina, Kosovo

DURATION:  60 days on when actually employed basis during a period of five months with the possibility of extension.

Qualified female applicants and qualified nationals of non-and under-represented member countries are encouraged to apply.
Persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply.
All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.


The Programme “Support to strengthening sustainable and multipurpose forest management to improve rural livelihoods and address climate change in Kosovo” – GCP/KOS/007/SWE aims at increasing the contribution of forest sector’s to the Kosovo economy  through a participatory and gender-responsive forest management and to be strengthened in accordance with relevant rules on forests and supported with value-chains for poverty alleviation.

The Programme is structured around three components, each further operationalized into specific outputs and activities. The first component is dedicated to improving timber legality, trade and law enforcement in forest sector. The second component aims at enhancing transparency and strengthening institutional capacity in good governance and through implementation of existing and formulation of the new forest policies, strategies and programmes and the third one introduces and implements multi-purpose forest management, strengthens inclusive forest value chains for poverty alleviation of rural women and men.

The key output from the Component 2 should help to implement and re-formulate the Policy and Strategy Paper (PSP) on Forestry Sector Development through gender mainstreaming and openly scrutinizing other reasons for deviations based on criteria and indicators of PSP strategic and operational performance. Planning process of the new PSP should be participatory by means of engaging civil society organizations, the private sector, municipal forest users, women and youth groups and NGOs, to ensure that the formulation process takes into account the needs of the most disadvantaged groups.

Reporting Lines

The Local Forest Policy Specialist will report to the Local Team Leader, and work under the technical supervision of  the Lead Technical Officer and the FAO Forest Policy team, and in close collaboration with the relevant technical division in REU and in FAO headquarters,  The Local Forest Policy Specialist will also work closely with the project’s international and national consultants and with focal points in the relevant Ministries.

Technical Focus

Provide technical expertise through the review, evaluation, assessment, designing, definition and monitoring of the PSP activities, including, but not limited to make the Programme fully capable of advising on how the new Policy and Strategy Paper (PSP) for Forestry Sector Development 2020-2030 will have binding actions to correct the direction of the sector.

Tasks and responsibilities

  • Define the modalities and provide technical support for the overall evaluation of the implementation of the Policy and Strategy Paper on Forest Sector Development in Kosovo 2010 – 2020;
  • Collect relevant data as requested in support of the Policy and Strategy Paper Evaluation;
  • Organize and facilitate stakeholders meetings, workshops, seminars for reviewing sector development objectives and evaluation of the forest policy and strategy implementations;
  • Coordinate preparations for organization of the Joint Annual Review and the third Think Tank for forest sector in Kosovo;
  • Summarize key results and help formulating a revised PSP 2020-2030 including clear mandates to reinforce timber legality, gender and effective economic incentives in forestry of Kosovo;
  • Ensure participatory drafting process of the new PSP and its compliance with national planning and drafting strategic documents and action plans;
  • Assess the economic sustainability of the forestry sector in Kosovo and provide recommendations which will cover investments and subsidies in forestry sector;
  • Closely assist the execution of the missions of the International Forest Policy Specialist, prepare data and other information as required by mission objectives Contribute to the drafting of a technical report, which will include the appropriate recommendation to counterparts;
  • Perform any other duties as it may required;
  • Prepare an end-of -assignment report.


Minimum Requirements   

  • University graduate in forestry, law, economics, natural resources management, business administration or related discipline;
  • Minimum three years of experience in Kosovo’s forest policy and participatory planning. Experience with gender mainstreaming is a plus;
  • Excellent English writing and reporting skills.

FAO Core Competencies

  • Results Focus
  • Teamwork
  • Communication
  • Building Effective Relationships
  • Knowledge Sharing and Continuous Improvement

Technical/Functional Skills

  • Familiarity with designing awareness rising campaigns for protecting natural resources and forest use, including enforcement of rule of laws and regulations, promotion of legality tools and related processes applicable in forestry sector is considered an asset.

Selection Criteria

  • Experience in designing promotion and awareness rising campaigns
  • Ability to carry out media research and analysis;
  • Ability to write clear and concise reports and to monitor promotion and public awareness rising campaigns;
  • Ability to work independently and under minimal supervision.


Interested candidates should send their application not later than 12:00 PM, Thursday 05 September 2020 at the following e-mail address: [email protected] with the following documentation:

  • CV
  • Cover Letter
  • Three Letter of References from the previous similar assignments