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ESAP2: Internship with the Employment and Social Affairs Platform (ESAP) of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC)
Deadline: 31 JUL 2020
The Regional Cooperation Council is seeking interest from recent graduates or final-year students for internships that will focus on collecting and analysing data on employment and labour markets in the Western Balkan region.
The internships will take place in the framework of the Employment and Social Affairs Platform (ESAP) 2 – a regional project financed by the European Commission in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, Republic of North Macedonia and Serbia. The project aims to strengthen regional cooperation and institutional capacities of national administrations, employers’ and workers’ organisations, enabling them to develop and effectively implement labour market and social policy reforms in their EU enlargement process.
Qualified recent graduates or final-year students are invited to express their interest in line with the published Terms of Reference, Reference Number 009-020.