www.ofertapune.net GPN - General Procurement Notice - 2024-KOS-GPN-003 | PunaIme

GPN – General Procurement Notice – 2024-KOS-GPN-003


MCA Kosovo



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Government of the Republic of Kosovo

Millennium Challenge Account – Kosovo

GPN Version: 2024-KOS-GPN-003

GPN Publication Date: April 17, 2024

The Government of the Republic of Kosovo (the “Government” or “GoK”) has received grant funding of Two Hundred Two Million United States Dollars (US $202,000,000) from the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) of the United States Government and a corresponding contribution from the Government of Kosovo of approximately Thirty-Four Million Six Hundred Seventy Thousand Six Hundred United States Dollars (US$34,670,600) to enable the Government of Kosovo to implement this program and achieve the objectives of the MCC Grant (compact), and it intends to apply parts of the proceeds of the funds to payments for contracts for goods, works and services.

The Government has designated the Millennium Challenge Account Kosovo (MCA-Kosovo) to implement the Government’s responsibilities under the Agreement and intends to apply part of the funds to payments for contracts for Goods and Services.

The updated procurement plan for the 12 months period from April 2024 to March 2025 and will include the following:

Procurements for April 2024 to March 2025
Estimated Value – USD 4,313,253.00

Procurement of Goods:

  1. Supply of furniture for the Transmission System and Market Operator (KOSTT)
    Project Implementing Unit
  2. Personal protection equipment for the Transmission System and Market Operator
    (KOSTT) Project Implementing Unit
  3. Software for the Transmission System and Market Operator (KOSTT) Project
    Implementing Unit
  4. Supply of promotional materials
  5. VOIP Phones for MCA-Kosovo
  6. Vehicles (3) for the Multi-Functional Energy Storage (MFES) Entity and the Transmission System and Market Operator (KOSTT) Project Implementing Unit
  7. Computer equipment for Transmission System and Market Operator (KOSTT) Project
    Implementing Unit
  8. Office supplies

Procurement of Works:

  1. Fence around one project site

Procurement of Consultant Services:

  1. Individual Consultants to serve as Offers Review Panel (PRP) Members
  2. Technical Assistance for the Capacity Building of the Multi-Function Energy Storage
    Entity (MFES Entity) in Kosovo
  3. Ministry of Environment, Spatial Planning, and Infrastructure (MESPI) greenhouse
    gas Inventory Technical Assistance
  4. Recruitment firm for the Multi-Function Energy Storage Entity (MFES Entity) key
  5. Audit Services.
  6. M&E for Data Quality Review for two Projects

Procurement of Non-consultant Services:

  1. Cars insurance for the Transmission System and Market Operator (KOSTT) and the
    Multi-Function Energy Storage Entity (MFES)
  2. Cars insurance for MCA-Kosovo
  3. MCA Kosovo Video & Photography Services
  4. MCA Kosovo Graphic Design Services
  5. Event Planning & Management services
  6. Training on Fundamentals of Battery Energy Storage System (BESS)
  7. Taxi services for MCA-Kosovo needs
  8. Renting of printing & scanning services
  9. Mobile voice & data package for MCA-Kosovo Staff
  10. Training for the Multi-Function Energy Storage Entity (MFES) Board Members
  11. Representative dinner with Ministry of Economy and Ministry of Finance
  12. LED Screens for the entry in force (EIF) event stage
  13. Simultaneous translation for the entry in force (EIF) event
  14. Office launch outreach event catering
  15. Representative lunch with the Energy Community stakeholders
  16. Renting of venue and sound equipment for the entry in force (EIF) Event
  17. Catering for the entry in force (EIF) Event
  18. Photographer services for the entry in force (EIF) event
  19. Printing and Press of outreach materials for the entry in force (EIF) event
  20. International Fidic Contracts Training Course.

Updated GPNs shall be published as new procurements are added.

Contracts for Goods, Works and Services financed under the program will be implemented according to the principles, rules and procedures set out in the MCC Procurement Policy and Guidelines (PPG) which can be accessed on www.mcc.gov/ppg.  The Procurement is open to all offerors from eligible source countries as defined in the MCC PPG.

Specific procurement notices for contracts to be tendered under competitive bidding procedures will be announced, as they become available, on United Nations Development Business (UNDB: http://www.devbusiness.com/), Development Gateway Market (dgMarket: http://www.dgmarket.com/), in local newspapers, and other media outlets as appropriate and .at the MCA-Kosovo website (mcakosovo.org)

Interested eligible offerors who wish to be included on the mailing list to receive a copy of advertisements, or those requiring additional information, should send an email to the Procurement Agent on [email protected] with copy to [email protected]  using the subject line “2024-KOS-GPN-003” and indicating which of the procurement items they are interested in.