www.ofertapune.net Four (4) positions of Directors of the Board of the central Publicly Owned Enterprise (POE) “Energy Storage Corporation - ESCorp” | PunaIme

Four (4) positions of Directors of the Board of the central Publicly Owned Enterprise (POE) “Energy Storage Corporation – ESCorp”


Zyra e Kryeministrit



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Pursuant to the Article15 and Article 17 of the Law No. 03/L-087 on Publicly Owned Enterprises (POEs), as amended and supplemented by Law No. 04/L-111 and Law No. 05/L-009 ( hereinafter “Law on POEs”),  as well as Law No. 08/L-159 on the Ratification of the Millennium Challenge Compact and the Program Implementation Agreement between the Republic of Kosovo and the United States of America acting through the Millennium Challenge Corporation (“MCC”), to facilitate the implementation of the Compact Program (“Compact”) (Official Gazette No. 22 / August 11, 2022) as well as the MCC Implementation Letter (IL) dated September 25, 2024 on eligibility, selection, and remuneration for the Multi-Functional Energy Storage (MFES) Entity / central POE “ESCorp” Board of Directors (“Board”), (hereinafter “MCC Compact Program”) and in accordance with the Rules on Identification of Candidates for Directors of the Board of the central POE, Energy Storage Corporation – “ESCorp” the General Secretary of the Office of Prime Minister hereby announces the following:

Public Advertisement


Four (4) positions of Directors of the Board of the central Publicly Owned Enterprise (POE) 

“Energy Storage Corporation – ESCorp”

All applicants for the position of Board of Directors (BoDs) of the central POE “ESCorp” shall be senior leaders/managers based on prior documented experience and shall have the following functional expertise in addition to senior management and leadership experience: 

  1. Finance Expert (1 Position)
  2. Legal Expert (1 Position)
  3. Power Sector Expert (1 Position)
  4. Business Administration Expert (1 position)

Overall Responsibilities of the Board of Directors

As the Director of the Board of central POE “ESCorp”, the selected candidates shall have the following overall responsibilities:

  • Setting the governing policies of ESCorp and adapting a charter consistent with the Government of Kosovo policies, regulations governing POEs, and other related requirements;
  • Appointment of the Chief Executive Officer to run the business of ESCorp;
  • Creation of the initial Business plan and review and approval of the Annual Business Plan;
  • Regular high-level monitoring of the overall operations of “ESCorp”;
  • Convening the Annual Board Meeting and ensuring that all required reports are filed in time with the various authorities;
  • Convening special board meetings, as required in response to Government policy changes, new Kosovo and European Union regulations, and changes in the BESS (Battery Energy Storage System) market rules and practices;
  • Representing ESCorp at major events, as required;
  • Other functions as assigned by Government of Kosovo.

The responsibilities of the Board of Directors will be detailed further in the Charter of the central POE “ESCorp.” 

Eligibility, Independence, and Professional Suitability Requirements of the Board of Directors  

Candidates for the position of Board of Directors of the –central POE “ESCorp” must meet the following requirements specified in Article 17 of the Law on POEs and MCC Compact Program: 

I. Eligibility

A candidate is eligible to serve as a Director on the Board of central POE “ESCorp” only if she/he meets all the following conditions, in addition to the requirements for independence and professional suitability defined in paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 17 of the Law on POEs:


  1. She/he has never been convicted or determined by a court of competent jurisdiction, unless such conviction or determination has ultimately been reversed by an appellate court, to have committed a criminal or civil offence involving fraud, misrepresentation, corrupt practices, theft, money laundering, embezzlement, misuse or misappropriation of funds, bribery or kickbacks under the laws or regulations applicable in Kosovo or in any country or jurisdiction, or under international treaties or conventions;
  2. She/he has never been determined by a court or professional body or organization responsible for enforcing codes of ethics or other standards of conduct, unless such determination has ultimately been reversed by an appellate court or professional body or an organization, (i) to have engaged in professional misconduct, (ii) to have violated a code of ethics or other standards of conduct, (iii) to have misappropriated or misused public money or resources, (iv) to have misused or misappropriated information acquired while acting as a public official or civil servant, or (v) to have misused a public office or a civil service position for personal gain or for the gain or advantage of a relative or acquaintance;
  3. She/he has never made material misrepresentations in any affidavit or any other sworn, sealed or notarized documents;
  4. She/he has not, in the past ten (10) years, been declared bankrupt; and
  5. Is not employed in an institution where development policies for POEs where the candidate works are established.


II. Independence


All members of Board Directors of central POE “ESCorp”, except the CEO, must be independent. A person shall not be regarded as independent and shall not be eligible for election as a Director of central POE “ESCorp” if such person:

  1. Was or is directly or indirectly involved in any planning and deliberations leading to the establishment of ESCorp and defining its functions;
  2. She/he is currently an officer or manager of the respective POE or any of its affiliates, or has served as officer or manager of the respective POE or any of its affiliates within the past five (5) years; 
  3. Is currently a high-level employee of the respective POE, or has in the past three (3) years been a high-level employee of the respective POE;
  4. Has currently, or has had in the past three (3) years, any material business relationship (except as an individual consumer of the respective POE’s services) with the respective POE or any of its affiliates either directly or indirectly;  
  5. Is a shareholder, director, officer or senior employee of a business organization or other legal person that has a material business relationship with the concerned POE or any of its affiliates;
  6. Currently receives, or has received within the past three (3) years, additional remuneration from the respective POE or any of its affiliates (apart from a director’s fee or the incentive remuneration specifically referred to in article 20.1), or is a member of the pension scheme of the concerned POE or any of its affiliates;
  7. Currently holds cross-directorships or has significant links with other Directors of the respective POE through involvement in other business organizations or bodies;
  8. Currently represents a shareholder holding more than ten percent (10%) of the voting shares in the respective POE;
  9. Has served on the Board of Directors of the respective POE for more than nine (9) years from the date of her or his, first election;
  10. Is a third-degree relative (as determined in accordance with the definition of “Financial Interest” in Article 2 of this Law) of any person who belongs to any of the categories above except the person defined in point (b); or
  11. Is either (i) an employee, official, director or shareholder of, or has a Financial Interest in any non-listed business organization that competes with the concerned POE, or (ii) a senior manager, officer, director or shareholder (holding more than two (2) percent of the voting rights), or has a significant Financial Interest in, any of the listed business organizations that competes with the concerned POE;
  12. Is or at any time during the 36-month period immediately preceding the date of his application, has been (i) elected public official (does not exercise public office, won through elections organized by the Central Election Commission in Kosovo – (“CEC”); (ii) political appointee (political advisor appointed by political decision and appointed in the executive of the Municipality according to a decision without going through the competition process); (iii) holder of a leading or decision-making position in a political party (president of a political party, branch of a political party, member of the leadership of the political party or member of the leadership of branch of the political party); 
  13. Is subject to any other conflict-of-interest that, by its nature, would cause such person to be unable to routinely, faithfully, independently and objectively fulfil her/his fiduciary duties to the Shareholders and the POE.


III. Professional requirements


Every applicant seeking to be considered for the position on the central POE “ESCorp” Board of Directors must meet the following essential professional suitability requirements and must be a person of known integrity, considering, among other things, any material breach of fiduciary duties that such person may have committed to any other person or organization. 

The Board of Directors of central POE “ESCorp” will be composed of expert leaders or senior managers with overall management and leadership qualifications and subject matter expertise in relevant fields, each meeting the specific criteria set forth below:


1. Finance Expert


Education, Certification, and Qualifications

  • Bachelors’ Degree in Accounting, Finance, Economics, Business Administration or a finance related field.
  • Master’s Degree in one of the above fields is an advantage.
  • Professional certifications in management accounting, finance, financial accounting or auditing are an advantage.


  • A minimum of seven (7) years of relevant professional experience in accounting, finance, budget, business administration, or a finance related area, preferably with knowledge of the power sector.
  • At least (i) five (5) years of experience at a senior management level in business administration, corporate finance, finance, auditing, treasury management, banking, business or industry consultancy, or (ii) five (5) years of experience as a public accountant, or a qualified member of any other profession that has special relevance to the business activities of the POE.
  • Experience in the power sector is an advantage.
  • Excellent analytical, advisory, and communication skills.
  • Fluency in English language.


2. Legal Expert


Education, Certification, and Qualifications

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Law.
  • Master’s Degree in a law-related area will be an advantage.
  • Passing the bar exam is an advantage.


  • A minimum of seven (7) years professional experience in the legal field with focus on corporate law, commercial transactions, regulatory compliance, or related areas.
  • At least (i) five (5) years of experience at a senior management level in business administration, corporate finance, finance, treasury management, banking, business or industry consultancy or (ii) five (5) years of experience as a qualified lawyer, or a qualified member of any other profession that has special relevance to the business activities of the POE.
  • Experience serving as a Corporate Secretary of a business entity is an advantage.
  • Experience in the power sector is an advantage.
  • Knowledge of Energy Community directives and regulations (acquis) in the energy sector is an advantage.
  • Excellent analytical, advisory, and communication skills.
  • Fluency in English language.

3. Power Sector Expert



Education, Certification, and Qualifications

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering, Business Administration, Economics, Finance or related field.
  • A Master’s Degree in one of the above fields is an advantage.


  • A minimum of seven (7) of professional experience in the field of energy, preferably in the generation, transmission, distribution, supply or regulation of electricity.
  • At least (i) five (5) years of experience at a senior management level in business administration, corporate finance, finance, treasury management, banking, business, or industry consultancy or (ii) (5) years of experience as a qualified member of another profession relevant for the business activities of the POE.
  • Experience in power project development, operations, or financing is an advantage.
  • Providing business or regulatory advisory services within a power sector is an advantage.
  • Experience with regional or international energy market operations and/or electricity trading is an advantage.
  • Excellent analytical, advisory, and communication skills.
  • Fluency in English language.


4. Business Administration Expert


Education, Certification, and Qualifications

  • Bachelors’ Degree in Accounting, Finance, Business Administration, Economics, or a related field.
  • Master’s Degree in one of the above fields is an advantage.
  • Professional certifications in management accounting, finance, financial accounting, or auditing are an advantage.


  • A minimum of seven (7) years of professional experience in accounting, finance, budgeting, business administration, preferably within the power sector.
  • At least (i) five (5) years of experience at a senior management level in business administration, corporate finance, finance, auditing, treasury management, banking, business or industry consultancy or (ii) five (5) years of experience as a public accountant qualified lawyer, or a member of any other profession that has special relevance for the business activities of the POE.
  • Experience in the power sector, providing business advisory services or managing staff or budgets is an advantage.
  • Excellent analytical, advisory, and communication skills.
  • Fluency in English language.


The remuneration of the Directors of the Boards of central POE “ESCorp” will be set by a decision of the Government of Kosovo in consultation with MCC and MCA-Kosovo. 

The Directors of the Board of central POE “ESCorp” shall receive a competitive remuneration package, which shall be covered by MCA-Kosovo during the term of Compact.   


Interested candidates may apply for multiple central POE “ESCorp” Board of Directors positions if their qualifications and experience match with the requirements of the positions.

Candidates applying for Board of Directors positions of central POE “ESCorp” are required to submit the following documentation:

  1. Completed Application Form: The form cand be downloaded  from the following link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yW54OCiUhbeM0un_BexeZldItuuGRO_a/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=116264694445302522366&rtpof=true&sd=true);
  2. Curriculum Vitae (CV): Include detailed description of each position held along with the exact dates of employment;
  3. Letter of Motivation: A statement expressing your interest in the position(s);
  4. Signed Declaration under Oath/Affidavit: Please download the form from the the affidavit which is published on the website of the Prime Minister’s Office together with the competition.
  5. References: Names and contact information for three (3) references familiar with the applicant’s past professional experience that the Recommendation Committee may contact to obtain additional information regarding the applicants’ suitability for the position;
  6. Copy of the identity card and/or passport;
  7. An attestation from the applicant confirming that they have no criminal convictions, supported by verifiable documentation, including a certificate of no criminal convictions issued by the relevant judicial authorities in the applicant’s home country or, where applicable, an international criminal background check.Evidence of educational and professional qualifications: Diplomas obtained abroad must be nostrified by relevant education authorities, or evidence that the diplomas are in process of being nostrified;
  8. Proof of professional experience in managerial positions:  Applicants shall provide evidence of their managerial experience through one or more of the following submissions:
  1. Contract details of individuals who can verify the applicant’s professional experience. 
  2. Attestation letters or certifications from current and former employers including independently verifiable documentation of managerial experience such as commendations, awards, professional references, or performance evaluations; independently verifiable evidence of managerial experience, such as attestation letters and commendations/awards from former employers, professional references, or performance reports; and
  3. Statements of pension contributions corresponding to relevant work experience.

Any material misrepresentation – whether intentional or the result of negligence – or any significant alteration in the information provided will result in immediate disqualification from further consideration and, if applicable, termination from the position.

Only up to eight (8) of the highest ranked individuals per position will be invited for interviews in accordance with the requiremetns of this vacany announcement. 

Please note that the appointment of the members of the central POE ESCorp Board of Directors is subject to “No Objection” from MCC. 

Application Procedure:

Electronic application 

The completed Application Form, together with an updated CV, and other documents requested above, should be submitted via e-mail to: [email protected], with the title of the position for which the candidate is applying in the subject line. All documents must be submitted in PDF format in printable/readable quality. Originals may be requested during the interview. 

Hard copy application

Candidates may submit their Application Form in hard copy to the Government’s Coordination Secretariat located on the 1st floor of Government Building, Room No. 101  in a sealed envelope.  

For attention of the: 

Recommendation Committee for central POE “ESCorp” Board of Directors

Government Building,

Mother Teresa Square

10000, Prishtina, Republic of Kosovo

The envelope should be clearly labeled with the candidate’s name and surname and the name of the Publicly Owned Enterprise for which they are submitting their application. Please note that submitted documentation cannot be returned. Originals of the submitted documents may be requested for verification during the interview.

The Government of the Republic of Kosovo encourages women, people with special needs and members of non-majority communities to apply for these positions. Female applicants will have preferential treatment in implementation of the legal requirements for gender quota. 

The vacancies shall be open for thirty (30) days from the date of publication on the Website of the Prime Minister’s Office from  27.12.2024  to 27.01.2025  All candidates will be notified whether they have been selected for an interview as a shortlisted candidate.  Those applicants who are not shortlisted have the right to submit a complaint to the Complaints Review Commission within thirty (30) days of receiving such notification. 

For additional information, interested candidates may make telephone enquiries by calling 038/200 14 400.

Statement under Oath: STATEMENT UNDER OATH

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