www.ofertapune.net Consultant on environmental programming | PunaIme

Consultant on environmental programming




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Technical support to UNICEF programme on advancing environmental programming focusing on air pollution and youth mobilization

Type of engagement Consultant Individual Contractor

Duty Station: UNICEF Kosovo

Purpose of Activity/Assignment:

UNICEF works with partners at global and local level to ensure that children can live in a safe and clean environment. Our actions are structured around four approaches: Making children the centre of climate change strategies and response plans; Recognizing children as agents of change; Protecting children from the impact of climate change and environmental degradation; and Reducing emissions and pollution. Guided by these approaches, UNICEF will build on its strong presence on Western Balkans to advocate with government, civil society and private sector for lower levels of air pollution while also working on the ground to mobilize and elevate the voices of young people on air pollution through creative platforms, advocacy and participation.

Many cities in Kosovo suffer from poor air quality, with several sectoral contributors such as the coal-based thermal power plants outside Prishtina, raw coal and wood used for domestic wintertime heating, industrial activity, and car exhaust combined with winter-time thermal in inversions that reduce the mixing height in the atmosphere. Children are one of the most vulnerable categories who are exposed to high levels of air pollution and can bear long term consequences for their health and development. This situation will be further exacerbated with the of spread COVID-19 pandemics especially during the winter months with high incidence of the normal flue and peak of air pollution.

Under the supervision of the Social Policy Specialist and in close collaboration with UNICEF relevant sectors, this consultancy will provide technical expertise and guidance for UNICEF Kosovo programme on environmental programming focusing on air pollution and youth mobilization and engagement.

Scope of Work:

Development of the environmental programme focusing on air pollution and youth engagement for Western Balkans

* Provide technical expertise and contribute to development and implementation of the environmental programme focusing on air quality and youth engagement for the Western Balkans in collaboration with Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA), UNICEF ECA Regional Office and UNICEF Country Offices in Western Balkans

Development of environmental programmes focusing on air pollution and youth mobilization and engagement for UNICEF Kosovo

* Provide technical expertise and guidance for development and implementation of the environmental programme focusing on air pollution and youth engagement as part of the UNCIEF Kosovo programme.

Promotion of personal hygiene awareness and practices in the context of COVID-19 pandemics

* Provide technical and legal expertise for promotion of hygiene promotion and practices in the context of COVID -19 pandemics focusing on schools re-opening. Budget Year: Requesting Section/Issuing Office: Reasons why consultancy cannot be done by staff: 2020 UNICEF programme The tasks and duties assigned for this consultancy are of the technical expertise nature that do not require daily engagement. Included in Annual/Rolling Workplan: Yes No, please justify:

Supervisor: Social Policy Specialist Start

Date: End Date:

Number of Days (working) 10 August 2020 31 March 2021

Work Assignment Overview Tasks/Milestone:

Deliverable/Outputs: Timeline Estimate Budget Development of the environmental programme focusing on air pollution and youth engagement for Western Balkans

Desk/literature review for general background in the field of air pollution in Kosovo Create a knowledge repository with available reports, studies, legal basis, initiatives, programmes, partners, institutions, coalitions, donors and other relevant stakeholders in the field of air pollution Establish connections and partnerships with local and international actors in the field of air pollution including but not limited to the Green Caucus in the Parliament, Civil Society Coalitions, grass root organizations etc. Liaise with SEPA, UNICEF ECA Regional Office and UNICEF Country Offices in the Western Balkans within the framework of the development and implementation of the environmental programme focusing on air quality and youth engagement for the Western Balkans Collect inputs from relevant stakeholders, review and provide insight for the development and implementation of the environmental programme focusing on air quality and youth engagement for the Western Balkans Development of environmental programmes focusing on air pollution and youth mobilization and engagement for UNICEF Kosovo

Provide insight and suggest strategies for implementation of the environmental programme focusing on air quality and youth engagement for the Western Balkans within UNICEF Kosovo Programme. Provide training and coaching on environmental awareness focusing on air pollution to youth groups and youth-led initiatives benefiting from UNICEF ADAP programme Provide technical expertise for the development of the Environmental Digital Youth Platform Promotion of personal hygiene awareness and practices in the context of COVID-19 pandemics
Desk/literature review on hygiene promotion Provide insight for designing, implementing and monitoring of hygiene promotion activities in schools Provide insight for designing, implementing and monitoring hygiene promotion activities among adolescents and youth Estimated Consultancy fee 1,200 euro per month Travel International (if applicable)
Not applicable Travel Local (please include travel plan) Not applicable DSA (if applicable) Not applicable Total estimated consultancy costsi Minimum Qualifications required: Knowledge/Expertise/Skills required: Bachelors Masters PhD Other

Enter Disciplines:

Masters and University degree Social Sciences, Social Work, International Relations, Government, Public Administration, or other relevant disciplines
* Knowledge and experience in Environmental programmes
* Working experience with the Government, international agencies and donors in an advisory and capacity building role.
* Desired experience working with UN agencies
* Technical expertise and experience in developing environmental initiatives
* Experience in project planning and design, budgeting, implementation, monitoring and reporting.
* Fluent in English language
Administrative details:
Visa assistance required:
Transportation arranged by the office:

Home Based Office Based:

Opening Date Mon Aug 03 2020 09:00:00 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time) Central Europe Daylight Time
Closing Date Mon Aug 10 2020 23:55:00 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time)

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