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Communications Officer


AQH Project



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The Accessible Quality Healthcare (AQH) Project is a project of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) that supports Kosovo health sector reform and complements other donor-supported programmes with a focus on Primary Healthcare (PHC). The project is implemented by the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute.

The third phase of AQH aims to consolidate and upscale the achievements of the two previous phases, for a period of 3 years, and will continue to stimulate the use of quality PHC services by all citizens, with particular attention to the needs and inclusion of socially vulnerable populations. Within this phase the project focuses also very much on sustainability aspects, targeting to embed project supported interventions to national and municipal public health actors’ practice.

The project is seeking applicants for the following position:

Communications Officer 

Job summary:

The Communications Officer will be responsible for developing and implementing the project communication strategy, designing, elaborating, delivering and evaluating media and communication activities, and providing advice on advocacy approaches related to public relations; will be specifically contributing to the capitalisation activities within the last phase of the project. 

Essential competencies:

Degree in Journalism, Media and Communication, Public Relations, or equivalent. Minimum of 5 years’ work experience in reporting on health, communication/media at both levels national and local, experience in communication within the NGO sector would be an asset.

Key responsibilities:

  • Evolve the communication strategy targeting main AQH stakeholders to ensure awareness on project activities and achievements
  • Contribute to market the project’s achievements and results in Kosovo and beyond namely through the maintenance of the project website, social media activities and regular contributions to SDC health network newsletter and Swiss TPH newsletter when applicable
  • Assure adequate media coverage of the project especially in relation to PHC strengthening, policy-making and social inclusion
  • In collaboration with project management, develop project advocacy initiatives and methods to support relevant policy engagement with the Ministry of Health (MoH)
  • Create case stories for the media as well as for project reporting needs, based on project data, to highlight AQH results and sustainability initiatives undertaken by municipalities or national institutions
  • Coordinate meetings and press interviews related to project
  • Produce high-quality communication materials, such as posters, leaflets, manuals, reports, videos, radio advertisements, newsletters, and social media content, in collaboration with the Project Facilitation Unit (PFU).Support the capitalization of project supported interventions, ensuring that knowledge, tools, and methodologies developed during the project are promoted towards effective dissemination and sustainable institutionalization
  • Develop project capitalization materials, such as thematic reports, toolkits, and success stories, ensuring alignment with AQH’s sustainability objectives
  • Organize capitalization events to share lessons learned and promote the integration of project achievements into public health practices.
  • Assist PFU to develop, implement and monitor communication strategies for project activities and related interventions are of high quality
  • Support project stakeholders to implement communication activities related to the project streams of work
  • Develop project capitalisation materials and organise capitalisation events
  • Monitoring and evaluation of communication activities and preparation of high-quality reports in English as requested
  • Liaise with project stakeholders to coordinate visibility activities

Key competencies:

  • Degree in Journalism, Media and Communication, Public Relations or equivalent
  • Demonstrable work experience (minimum 5 years) in the field of communication/media at national and local levels, including in health
  • Previous experience in communication in the non-for-profit sector 
  • Knowledge of Social and Behaviour Change Communication principles 
  • Excellent written and oral skills in English and Albanian. Serbian language skills are desirable 
  • High-level expertise in producing quality communication materials is essential
  • Extensive experience of organising media/communication events at national and local levels (launching events, community-based events etc.)
  • Demonstrated ability to work in a changing, multi-cultural environment and establish harmonious and effective working relationships and teambuilding; excellent inter-personal skills
  • Expertise in using core IT applications, particularly MS Office. Knowledge of media software is desirable
  • Full driving license and willingness to travel as required

This is full-time position open to national experts.

We encourage qualified candidates to submit their electronic application in a PDF version, which has to contain the following documents: 1) Cover Letter 2) Curriculum Vitae (it is recommended to be revised and adapted according to this application context); 3) Three reference letters related to prior employment history. Contacts, that could possibly be contacted about your application, should contain the following info: name, institution, email and phone number. 4) Supporting documents (certificates, diplomas etc.) related to specific skills and competences requested by the position.

The application must be sent to AQH Administration Manager at [email protected]g and the subject of the e-mail should contain Name & Last name – Communications Officer. All documents should be in English. 

The closing date for submission of applications is 31st January 2025. Only short-listed applicants will be contacted. Interviews will start on the week commencing 10 February 2025.