www.ofertapune.net Call of expression of interest | PunaIme

Call of expression of interest


Green Art Center-Prishtina (GAC)


Pa përcaktuar



Data e publikimit


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The NGO Green Art Center-Prishtina (GAC) invites suitably qualified companies to express their interest in providing with the 280l home composters – for the project “Piloting Home Composting in 6 Kosovo Municipalities”.

Below with this invitation is a checklist, which interested firms are requested to answer and return to the GAC.

Responses are to be submitted via email in [email protected] or in closed/sealed envelope to the address below marked as “Request for information in providing of above mentioned containers for the project development” and to deliver no later than 21.08.2020 (14:00 o’clock) and clearly marked for the attention of:

Rron Arucaj “Request for information in providing of above mentioned home composters for the project development”, GAC office in Pristina, Str. Ana Komena nn, 10 000 Pristina. tel: +383 45 534 896 , E-mail: [email protected]

On the basis of the responses to the Request for information (RFI), GAC will pre-qualify companies that will then be sent a Request for Proposal (RFP) and will be formally invited to submit a detailed proposal. Response to the RFI does not necessarily imply that a company will receive the tender papers.

On the basis of the outcome of the RFP, GAC will offer a contract to the company selected. Please note that all correspondence and dealing with the GAC must be in English.


  1. Proof of company`s legal status (registration and/or certification documentation), company details (name, postal address, email address, web page if applicable, contact person, bank information), date of incorporation within their initial response.

Applications that do not meet these rules will not be considered!

Deadline for applying: 21.08.2020, latest at 14:00 o`clock.

Only short-listed companies will be contacted and invited to the next stage.