www.ofertapune.net Call for Proposal - A call to Action for Civil Society Organisations Engaged in Advancing Media Transparency and Information Integrity (R3) | PunaIme

Call for Proposal – A call to Action for Civil Society Organisations Engaged in Advancing Media Transparency and Information Integrity (R3)





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A call to action for civil society organisations engaged in advancing media transparency and information integrity  

(Result 3 of KSV/025 project “Support to civil society in Kosovo”)

Luxembourg Development Cooperation Agency (LuxDev) through its project KSV/025 “Support to civil society in Kosovo” is announcing a call for proposals from qualified local Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), who are actively working towards the advancement of media transparency and information integrity. 

Objectives of this call are aligned with the Result 3. of the project KSV/025: “Capacities of CSOs promoting media transparency and information integrity in Kosovo are strengthened”.

The general objective of this call is to support CSO’s engaged in promoting and advocating on media transparency and information integrity, enhance the impact of their programs and strengthen their capacities.

The overall amount made available under this call for proposals is EUR 200 000 to be distributed equally amongst two selected proposals (EUR 100 000 for each proposal). 

Areas of intervention supported by this call are specified in the LOT’s below:

LOT 1. Enhancing media transparency

The selected CSO’s will be supported in implementing their programmes focused on reinforcing democratic commitment towards media transparency through strengthened organisational capacities.

Priority topics include but are not limited to: 

  • digital tools for transparency
  • technology and infrastructure enhancement 
  • media transparency education- enhanced public awareness to critically analyse media content.

LOT 2. Strengthening information integrity 

The selected CSO’s will be supported to implement initiatives that counter misinformation, promote factual reporting, ensure journalistic accuracy and support trust building between the public and local media sources. Priority topics include but are not limited to: 

  • technology and infrastructure enhancement 
  • strengthened public awareness on information integrity and critical evaluation of media content
  • strengthened CSO’s system to ensure consistency and reliability in their reporting process

The intervention locations must be in: Kosovo

The execution time: 23 months (October 2024 – August 2026)

Conditions of intervention:

To respond to the call for proposals, candidate CSO’s must ensure they meet the below eligibility criteria. 

Eligibility criteria

  • Legally registered local CSOs primarily operating in Kosovo with at least five years of operation.
  • Proven experience and capacity in implementing programmes/projects related to the thematic area(s) applied for.
  • Proven ability to manage funds effectively.

Organisations engaged in providing support to marginalised and vulnerable communities will be at advantage, reflecting our commitment to supporting inclusive development and ensuring diverse perspectives in the sectors of social entrepreneurship, digital literacy and financial literacy.

Submission Requirements

All required documents must be submitted via email to [email protected] no later than 28 June 2024, 17:00hrs. The subject line of your email should be formatted as follows: “Call for applications from CSOs-KSV/025 R3”. 

All requests for clarification should be submitted via email to [email protected] no later than 03 June 2024. The subject line of your email should be formatted as follows: “Clarification on Call for applications from CSOs-KSV/025 R3”.

All confirmations/requests for participation in information session should be sent to [email protected] no later than 03 June 2024. The subject line of your email should be formatted as follows: “Information session participation-Call for applications from CSOs-KSV/025 R3”, including in the email body the following details: Name of the organisation, name and position of the representative of the organisation participating in the information session and contact details. 

 Interested organisations should submit all documents and information listed under the document: Application forms. To access and download the required documents, please follow the link below:

  1. Application forms
  2. Budget template

Organisations failing to provide the required documents will not be considered.

Proposal submission limitations

Each organisation is eligible to submit only one proposal under this call for applications. This call specifies two thematic fields (LOT’s) for proposals (listed under Areas of intervention, page one and two of this document). Applicants must choose only one field (LOT) for their proposal submission. 

Financing details:

The amount of financing is EUR 100 000 (per proposal). All proposals should adhere to budget limitations to remain eligible for consideration.

Evaluation and selection committee

The selection committee will be composed of LuxDev and potential partners. 

Indicative timetable