www.ofertapune.net Consultant for Drafting of the National Strategy | PunaIme

Consultant for Drafting of the National Strategy


International Organization for Migration (IOM)


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Consultant for Drafting of the National Strategy on Communities and Return 2021 — 2024

  • Location: Pristina
  • Type of contract: Consultancy contract
  • Duration of contract: 50 working days
  • Estimated starting date: as soon as possible
  • Reference Code: CFA-20207XKO916

General Functions

Background: IOM Kosovo has over tventy years of experience in the implementation of returns projects in Kosovo, having assisted over 200,000 people to return to Kosovo. With this extensive experience l0M has been the lead implementing partner of both the EU and the MCR during the third and the fourth phases of the RRK programme, upon completion of which the current proposal has been developed. As a result, the agreement was reached that this Action vvill cover 11 municipalities (Pejë/Pec, Klinë/Klina, Istog/Istok, Obiliq/Obilic, Fushë Kosovë/Kosovo Polje, Gracanicë/Gracanica, Novo Bërdë/Novo Brdo, Kamenicë/Kamenica, Strpce/Shtërpcë, Prizren/Prizren, and Rahovec/Orahovac). The overall objective of EU RRK V programme is to contribute to a stable multi-ethnic society by enabling sustainable livelihoods and the durable integration for returnees, DPRSs, IDPs and refugees who freely choose to return or
integrate in the place of displacement into Kosovo society. The specific objective of the programme is: state and non-state actors in Kosovo implement a dignified, sustainable return and reintegration based on the experience.

The project is directly contributing to the following results:

a) Capacity of central and municipal authorities in policy implementation, coordination,
management, and monitoring of voluntary return and reintegration issues and projects

b) The return of up to 400 displaced families (4096 from RAE backgrounds and 2096 female led
households), based on a free and well-informed decision facilitated through the construction
and repair of family dwellings and related community infrastructure at return sites:

c) Sustainable reintegration of returnee families improved through the provision of tailor-made
socioeconomic support and enhanced access to civil status documents and government

The Ministry of Communities and Returns (MCR) is playing a central role throughout the project
implementation not only as a target group but also as an integral part of the project management.

The MCRis the chair of the EU-RRK Project Steering Committee (PSC) which is the central decision-making body of the project.

While significant technical assistance was provided to the MCR during the implementation of EU
RRK Ill and IV to establish the Department for Policy Analysis and Planning (DPAP) and Department for Project Administration and Monitoring (DPAM) related to reforms recommended in their Functional Review and development of the National Strategy on Communities and Returns 2014-2018 (NSCR), consultations have identified very specific areas where technical support is still needed. The focus of the following activities vvill be increasing the management capacities of the MCR staff as a whole, especially in the areas of supporting MCR in reviewing the current and drafting the 2021 – 2024 strategy and its action plan.

Nature of the consultancy: Consultancy on development of the National Strategy for Communities and Return.

Objective: The consultant vvill have the following deliverable during the consultancy period:

  • Support to the MCR for the development and drafting of the new National Strategy for
    Communities and Return 2021 — 2024 (NSCR):

Tasks to be performed under this contract:

Support for drafting the NSCR 2021-2024

a. Under the guidance of the General Secretary develops the Terms of Reference for the Working Group:

b. Supports the general Secretary in identification of the relevant participatory staff wthin
MCR for drafting the NSCR:

c. Coordinates closely with the MCR legal office and selected/relevant staff for gathering of
relevant information and documents needed for the development of the NSCR and its
action plan:

d. Assist the relevant MCR staff in evaluation of the current NSCR and its implementation
in order to determine the priorities of the new NSCR:

e. Develops a roadmap that include specific internal practices and mechanisms for the
development of the strategy and its action plan:

f. Supports the development of a final draft document of MCR’s NSCR 2021 — 2024, and its
action plan:

General tasks:

g. Ensures that the development of the nevy set of documents clearly addresses protection of basic human rights in line with the provisions of prevailing national and international legal instruments applicable in Kosovo, and provide clear definition of a legal policy to address the displaced persons and durable solution.

h. Provide regular monthly/update reports to IOM programme management on the
progress of the documents development.

i. Performs other tasks as may arise in the course of the Working Group engagement and
are deemed necessary for the successful development of the NSCR 2021-2024 and the
Guidelines for the Implementation of the MCR Regulation and/or policy instruments
pertaining to return of displaced persons and durable solution.

Tangible and measurable output of the work assignment:

a. Collection of relevant information and documentation for development of National
Strategy for Communities and Return 2019 — 2023:

b. Supports the MCR with development of Terms of Reference for the Working Group,
identification of the relevant participatory staff within MCR for drafting the NSCR:

c. Structure of the Working Group with roles and responsibilities to effectively implement
the NSCR and its action plan:

d. Development of roadmap document with specific internal practices and mechanisms for the development of the strategy:

e. Final document of the national Strategy for Communities and Return 2019-2023

Delivery Schedule.

The Consultant vvill be paid on monthly basis upon timely provision of deliverables as follows:

Activity | Number of working days/per month | Deliverables

  • Drafting; finalisation of the first draft of the NSCR | 10 days | Report on analysis
  • Presentation; presentation of the draft NSCR to the members of the working group.
  • Collect all relevant information and documents needed for the development of the NSCR 2021-2024 and assist the relevant staff for the evaluation of current strategy and its implementation | 10 days | Progress report with relevant information
  • Develops a roadmap that include specific internal practices and mechanisms for the development of the strategy and its action plan | 5 days | Report on methodology of work
  • Support the development of final draft document of NSCR 2021-2024 and its action plan | 25 days | Final draft document of NSCR 2021-2024

Total : 50 days

NOTE: (the number of working days per month may vary on need basis, but can not be less than 10 working days per month and not more than 60 as a total)

Financial Arrangements:

The consultant vvill be paid on monthly basis upon the submission of the monthly report.

Performance indicators for evaluation of results (value of services rendered in relation to their cost).

a. Timely completion of tasks.

b. Completeness of background information and document with analysis of the relevant
information and documents.

c. Timely reporting (monthly and progress reports)

d. Accuracy of contents of the draft guidelines.

e. Completeness and accuracy of the draft NSCR 2019-2023.

Required Qualifications:


a. Bachelor degree, preferable Master degree in Law, Public Policy, Social Sciences and/or
development studies or other related field: with five years of relevant professional experience.

Work experience

  • Proven track record of experience in policy and planning areas, including drafting legal documents e.g. strategies, regulations, guidelines, etc.
  • Assignment/s mainly in public policy drafting and policy analysis and planning.
  • Familiarity with the current return and community situation in Kosovo and with the overall institutional organization and functioning will be an asset.
  • Experience in inter-institutional coordination, as working with line ministries, municipalities and other stakeholders in returns process in order to collect all relevant information and documentation for the development of mentioned certain documents.
  • Record of relevant publications vvill also be an asset.


Fluency in Albanian and English is mandatory (oral and written).

Desirable knowledge of other local languages.

Working language of the assignment is Serbian or Albanian and the output which vvill be delivered will be in Serbian, Albanian and English language.

Method of application:

Any offer made to the candidate in relation to this vacancy notice is subject to funding confirmation.

Appointment vvill be subject to certification that the candidate is medically fit for appointment.

This post is subject to local recruitment. Only persons holding a valid residence and work permit for Kosovo will be eligible for consideration.

How to apply:

Interested candidates are invited to submit their applications and Cover Letter to [email protected] by 30 Sep 2020 midnight at the latest, referring to CFA-2020 XKO916 in the subject line.

In order for an application to be considered valid, IOM only accepts applications duly completed.

Only shortlisted candidates vvill be contacted.

Posting period: From 17 September 2020 to 30 September 2020.

⇒ More information.